
Chinese Committee of Money and Banking Museums

  China Committee for Money and Banking Museums (CCMBM), founded in November 2006, is a monetary, banking and financial institution under Chinese Museums Association (Chinese Museums Society) , affiliated to CNM and subject to the guidance from China Museums Association. The basic functions of the CCMBM are to promote the exchanges and cooperation between numismatics, banking (finance) and mints and coinage museums, mainly engaged in research into financial history, banking history and banking museums as well as collecting, sorting out, study and excavation of money and coins, and banking heritages, so as to serve the society and the finance sector in particular. CCMBM adopts the group committee system, with one honorary chairman, chairman o, vice chairman and secretariat. Currently, it has 53 group members. The group members are mostly People’s Banks, commercial banks and print works and mints, as well as cultural agencies and museums and institutions of higher learning.

  Since its setup, the CCMBM has conducted various undertakings and has held annual meetings and work meetings in Ningbo, Lanzhou, Kunming, Harbin, Handan, Shenzhen, Xinjiang, etc. In addition, it has done a lot of work in protecting and making known financial cultural heritages, developing numismatic and banking museums, tapping into and protecting the communist revolutionary financial history and culture and shedding light on a number of topics like museums versus financial education. It has successfully organized the 17th annual meeting of ICOMON (in Shanghai in 2010).

  Since its setup, the CCMBM has conducted various undertakings and has held annual meetings and work meetings in Ningbo, Lanzhou, Kunming, Harbin, Handan, Shenzhen, Xinjiang, etc. In addition, it has done a lot of work in protecting and making known financial cultural heritages, developing numismatic and banking museums, tapping into and protecting the communist revolutionary financial history and culture and shedding light on a number of topics like museums versus financial education. It has successfully organized the 17th annual meeting of ICOMON (in Shanghai in 2010).

  On the opening of the 8th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair in May 2012, the Monetary History and Culture cum Shenzhen Financial Reform Exhibition was held, which was co-sponsored by CNM and CCMBM and jointly organized by People’s Bank of China Shenzhen Central Branch and Shenzhen Numismatic Society. The Exhibition was part of the special activity of the 8th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair, which caused a stir among the general public. It played a positive role in spreading monetary culture and financial knowledge, carrying forward the entrepreneurial spirit of the revolutionary forefathers and showcasing the achievements of Shenzhen’s reform of the financial sector.

  To rescue, protect and publicize the communist revolutionary financial cultural heritages, CCMBM decided to set up the Communist Revolutionary Financial Council at the annual meeting of 2012 of the Committee. Its tenet is set as follows: To inherit the revolutionary tradition, carry on the entrepreneurial spirit and establish the Central Bank culture; its major tasks are: collecting, exploring, studying and protecting financial cultural heritages related to the communist revolution and putting on financial exhibitions on that theme. Since its setup, the Communist Revolutionary Financial Council has held tour exhibitions on finance of communist revolution in Shenzhen, Nanjing, Zhejiang and Xinjiang. To increase the influence of the Anti Counterfeiting Exhibition and raise the awareness of anti-counterfeiting, CCMBM, the Communist Revolutionary Financial Council, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and many commercial banks staged various tour exhibitions, which have yielded positive response from the society.

  To direct and regulate coin collecting and meet the needs of the general public is one of the major tasks of the CCMBM. In 2013, CCMBM initiated the making of the standardized identification and rating system for coin relics (e.g. industrial standards of coin relics) and roughly completed China Ancient Coin Identification and Rating Scheme. At the Xinjiang meeting held in the end of August that year, it asked for opinions and suggestions at the 2013 annual meeting of CCMBM, which has achieved preliminary results.

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